Thursday, November 12, 2009

Why the title "The Wonders of Grace"

I decided to start a blog where I could share what the Lord is speaking to me personally in my daily walk with him in the hope that it might bring encouragement to other women. (My family blog is

As I thought and thought of a title grace is what kept resounding within me. For most of my years as a Christian I felt like God's love for me was based on my performance. Was I praying enough, reading my Bible enough, serving in the church enough, etc. I did not fully understand the full meaning of God's grace. Grace means God's unmerited favor. Because of the blood that Jesus shed on the cross and my acceptance of him I am in right standing with God. No amount of praying, reading the Bible or serving will cause God to love me more. He loves me unconditionally!! What freedom that brought into my life. Freedom like I had never experienced before. Romans 4:13 "Clearly, God's promise to give the whole earth to Abraham and his descendants was based not on his obedience to GOd's law, but on a right relationship with God that comes by faith. If God's promise is only for those who obey the law, then faith is not necessary and the promise is pointless."

Now, do I think we should read our Bible, pray, and serve in the church-ABSOLUTELY. But you know what, the more I understood God's grace for me and how even though I didn't deserve it, it was freely given the more I fell in love with Jesus. The more I fell in love with him the more I WANTED to read my Bible, to communicate with him in prayer and to serve people (in the church and out of it)! It was no longer based on being "good enough", it was completely based on my love for the Lord.

The more time I spend in prayer and studying God's word the more "in love" with Jesus I become. Through these last several years as God has grown me in maturity and in ministry I have found the following scripture to be my heart's cry - Acts 20:24 "But my life is worth nothing to me unless I use it for finishing the work assigned me by the Lord Jesus-the work of telling others the Good News about the wonderful grace of God." The Good News of God's grace is what this journey is all about.

Stop striving to be "good enough" for the Lord and start developing a relationshp with him. In your friendships you are probably not trying to be good enough before you communicate with you talk to your friends or spend time with them. It is the same with God. He wants us to come to him just like we are; with all of our hurts, failures, success, fear's, etc. Read the Bible (his love letter to you)and discover who he is, his likes and dislikes, the purpose he has for your life, and every good thing he has promised to you. Develop a prayer life - praying is simply talking to Jesus. The Bible doesn't say you have to speak a certain way, be in a specific position or pray at a specific time for your prayers to be heard. Just talk to Jesus like you would your girlfriends and then listen to what he wants to speak to you. Our God is a relational God. He wants to have a relationship with us based on our love for him and his love for us - not based on us trying to measure up!

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